No, not you reader... Unless you're an enchanting table, THEN MAY IT BE TRIPLE DROWNED.
For some reason, EVERYONE WAS ROYALTY. |
All right. I'm sure those of us who have played Minecraft have had an unfortunate experience with an enchanting table, right? I mean, that table just took everything it wanted and left you with pennies.
And they were the ugliest pennies evah. Fortunately, not a whole lot of work goes into securing my levels because I play on a public server called Silver Springs Survival, and there is a public experience farm available.
Hahaaa! I cheet.
Don't let that lure you into a false sense of security. Oh no! No no. My story is a dark and terrible one.
*makes ghost noises* Wooooo. You see, playing online gets you used to certain things. Going to be away from the computer? Easy, use the /afk command and you are instantly invulnerable! Super easy to do,
and none of that sticky grease! Wait. What. Saves you lots of time, especially when you're in an inconvenient place like a cave or out in the open. This is the story of how I forgot.